antonio saporito architecture + design florence

New reception for television studies

2003 Campi Bisenzio Florence Italy

New reception for television studies

The intervention consists in the planning of a small space for a new reception, in the zone entry of a building type industrial place in an area of new expansion in the city of cCampi Bisenzio, to the borders in Florence. The application of the committenza has been that to have a space that identified to the best the firm in its image.
Departing from this consideration, the idea of the project was born, that is materialized through a gesture of strong visual, formal and chromatic impact in a completely new space.
The new reception has been conceived as an architectural element of a certain complexity: a particular sinuous section that he/she invites to enter and it ideally forms a tree on which the firm recognizes him that is a television net in our case.
For the floor the grès porcellanato of color grey shiny dark color has been employed, while for the illumination, deriving all entirely from the tall one, lamps are been used to collection prepared in way uniform that they exalt the form and the colors of the new architectural space.

The curved walls and the controsoffitto, realized in cartongesso with looms in aluminum and painted with the colors that recall those some logo of the firm.