antonio saporito architecture + design florence

Design competition for the Civic Theater of Montespertoli (Florence)

2023 Florence

The architectural quality of the buildings that make up the theater complex comes from
the need not to congest the place with a net volume but rather to intervene by creating
a cladding structure that takes the form of an element of upward movement
and transition...
Project of:
Saporito and Carovani architects

The architectural quality of the buildings that make up the theater complex comes from
the need not to congest the place with a net volume but rather to intervene by creating
a cladding structure that takes the form of an element of upward movement
and transition between low and high and between full and empty: it is a non-static design that contrasts
partly the impact of pure volume, through asymmetries and contrasting lines
diagonals that contribute to the movement of surfaces. Line segmentation
straight line that defines the corners further contributes to the visual effect of lightening the