antonio saporito architecture + design florence

Preparation shows

"preparation shows: The Socialism in Florence, from the foundation of the Party to the fascism: 1892 - 1992"

To connect "ideally" the space espositivo with the outside and to effect an indicative call on the portal of entry of the building Griffons Puddings Gattai, present in the S plaza.S. Announced in Florence, he is installed, inside the plaza, an architectural element "pure and geometric", representing a real portal. The concept of stylized portal and the decision to situate him, inside a manufactured article "historical and peculiar", in which every architectural and urbanistic element already has one precise position of his, and in which is the portal, with which he can be conversed without interrupting the harmony of the "logic" same of the plaza.
The manufactured article situated fù along an axle, sets to 30° (degrees), in comparison to the manager of street De' Servants that she has represented a "call" direct with the principal manager, suitable in the same street and from the principals historical points, of reference, what it Places Cathedral S Plaza. Mark, etc..., and the space "physical" inside which the show has been prepared, the building Griffons Puddings Gattai.
The same dimensions of the structure represent the result of a study effected on the relationships and on the done considerations, on the base of the real and objective possibilities that the space, and the monuments allowed.